"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms"

1. «The Comedy of Errors»

Read the comedy here!

**********************KEY FACTS****************************

Type of Work: The play is a comedy that veers toward farce and burlesque. It is sometimes classified as a «comedy of intrigue» or a «comedy of situation.» With approximately 16,250 words, The Comedy of Errors is Shakespeare’s shortest play.

Date Written: Early 1590’s.

First Performance: Probably December 28, 1594, at Gray’s Inn in London, one of four «Inns of Court,» establishments for educating members of the legal profession.


Women are very present in The Comedy of Errors as vocal forces. Though they have a lot of opinions and many speaking lines, it seems their main reason for existing in the play is to talk about and react to men. For that reason, I am going to focus my study on Adriana, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, and Luciana, Adriana’s unmarried sister. Through several dialogs we will see the different perspectives on marriage offered in The Comedy of Errors by these two female characters.

"The Comedy of Errors". From The Complet Works of William Shakespeare

The central marriage in the play is that of Adriana and Antipholus of Ephesus,and it does not seem to be a happy one. In this play, we can clearly observe that the identity of Adriana is fringed upon that of her husband, in fact, at that time the woman was seen as an extension of the man. Women were objects of male desire and dependent on that desire for their status, livelihood and even their lives. They accepted their husband as teacher and master.

In act II scene I Adriana seems to be a different woman from the others. Adriana, in a debate with Luciana, asserts her independence and power within her marriage and she believes that women should have as much freedom as men:


Neither my husband nor the slave return’d,
That in such haste I sent to seek his master!
Sure, Luciana, it is two o’clock.


Perhaps some merchant hath invited him,
And from the mart he’s somewhere gone to dinner.
Good sister, let us dine and never fret:
A man is master of his liberty:
Time is their master, and, when they see time,
They’ll go or come: if so, be patient, sister.


Why should their liberty than ours be more?


Because their business still lies out o’ door.


Look, when I serve him so, he takes it ill.


O, know he is the bridle of your will.


There’s none but asses will be bridled so.


Why, headstrong liberty is lash’d with woe.
There’s nothing situate under heaven’s eye
But hath his bound, in earth, in sea, in sky:
The beasts, the fishes, and the winged fowls,
Are their males’ subjects and at their controls:
Men, more divine, the masters of all these,
Lords of the wide world and wild watery seas,
Indued with intellectual sense and souls,
Of more preeminence than fish and fowls,
Are masters to their females, and their lords:
Then let your will attend on their accords.


This servitude makes you to keep unwed.


Not this, but troubles of the marriage-bed.


But, were you wedded, you would bear some sway.


Ere I learn love, I’ll practise to obey.


How if your husband start some other where?


Till he come home again, I would forbear.


Patience unmoved! no marvel though she pause;
They can be meek that have no other cause.
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more would we ourselves complain:
So thou, that hast no unkind mate to grieve thee,
With urging helpless patience wouldst relieve me,
But, if thou live to see like right bereft,
This fool-begg’d patience in thee will be left.


Well, I will marry one day, but to try.
Here comes your man; now is your husband nigh.

(Act II  scene I)

As Luciana , other characters,  locate the blame of the unhappy marriage in the jealousy of Adriana, who is, indeed, portrayed as the kind of shrewish woman often found in the English plays of the period, including Shakespeare’s own The Taming of the Shrew. Still, the playwright’s sympathies seem to lie more with Adriana than with her simpering sister, who mouth conventional marital wisdom of the era. Actually, Luciana says that Adriana has been too jealous that has driven her husband insane with her bullying and prodding, when it is a woman’s place to be docile; however, her husband’s odd behavior has nothing to do with her and is the result of highly improbable circumstances. taking that into acount, I think that, far from supporting Luciana and the Abbess in their condemnations, Shakespeare is satirizing perspectives on marriage that would soon be out-of-date even in his era.

Back to the dialogue shown above, when Dromio of Ephesus enters in the scene, Adriana changes her attitude. She has so utterly sunk her identity into her role as wife that she believes that she and her husband are one indivisible whole:


But say, I prithee, is he coming home? It seems he
hath great care to please his wife.


Why, mistress, sure my master is horn-mad.


Horn-mad, thou villain!


I mean not cuckold-mad;
But, sure, he is stark mad.
When I desired him to come home to dinner,
He ask’d me for a thousand marks in gold:
»Tis dinner-time,’ quoth I; ‘My gold!’ quoth he;
‘Your meat doth burn,’ quoth I; ‘My gold!’ quoth he:
‘Will you come home?’ quoth I; ‘My gold!’ quoth he.
‘Where is the thousand marks I gave thee, villain?’
‘The pig,’ quoth I, ‘is burn’d;’ ‘My gold!’ quoth he:
‘My mistress, sir’ quoth I; ‘Hang up thy mistress!
I know not thy mistress; out on thy mistress!’


Quoth who?


Quoth my master:
‘I know,’ quoth he, ‘no house, no wife, no mistress.’
So that my errand, due unto my tongue,
I thank him, I bare home upon my shoulders;
For, in conclusion, he did beat me there.


Go back again, thou slave, and fetch him home.


Go back again, and be new beaten home?
For God’s sake, send some other messenger.


Back, slave, or I will break thy pate across.


And he will bless that cross with other beating:
Between you I shall have a holy head.


Hence, prating peasant! fetch thy master home.


Am I so round with you as you with me,
That like a football you do spurn me thus?
You spurn me hence, and he will spurn me hither:
If I last in this service, you must case me in leather.



Fie, how impatience loureth in your face!


His company must do his minions grace,
Whilst I at home starve for a merry look.
Hath homely age the alluring beauty took
From my poor cheek? then he hath wasted it:
Are my discourses dull? barren my wit?
If voluble and sharp discourse be marr’d,
Unkindness blunts it more than marble hard:
Do their gay vestments his affections bait?
That’s not my fault: he’s master of my state:
What ruins are in me that can be found,
By him not ruin’d? then is he the ground
Of my defeatures. My decayed fair
A sunny look of his would soon repair
But, too unruly deer, he breaks the pale
And feeds from home; poor I am but his stale.

(Act II  scene I)

Luciana’s sense of identity within marriage, in her way, contrast with Adriana’s. She believes that men are naturally lords over their wives, and wants to learn to obey before she learns to love ( «Ere I learn love, I’ll practise to obey». Act I scene II). At the end, she pairs up with Antipholus of Syracuse. He offers to take a submissive role in the relationship, he wants her to teach him how to think and speak.

As we have seen, Shakespeare presents in this comedy 2 different views of marriage and women role but, though Adriana could be seen as a jealous, shrewish wife in the first dialog show above , she seems obliged to behave properly on her role of wife and wealthy woman in order to fit in the society, accepting in front of them the ideas represented in the comedy by her sister Luciana, being obedient and submissive to her husband.




Related posts:

Men and women roles in Elizabethan society.

Much Ado About Nothing

As You Like It

Twelfth Night


3. «Much Ado About Nothing».

Read the comedy here!

**********************KEY FACTS****************************

Type of WorkMuch Ado About Nothing is a comedy centering on the activities of two war heroes and the women they love. Shakespeare shifts back and forth between the stories of the couples—Benedick and Beatrice, Claudio and Hero—interweaving them into a unified whole. The story observes the three unities (place, time, and action) established by ancient Greek and Renaissance thinkers and writers.
Date Written: Probably 1598.
First Performance: Probably December 1598 or early in 1599.
First Printing: 1600 quarto edition by Valentine Sims for Andrew Wise and William Aspley; 1623 as part of the First Folio, the first authorized collection of Shakespeare’s plays.


Much Ado About Nothing starts with the end of a war: men are returning from battle, taking an active role, and women are waiting for them, acquiring  a passive role. It seems that with such a beginning, Shakespeare will deal with the traditional patriarcal society usual of his times. However, as the first act begins, the reader sees how Beatrice interrupts the conversation between Leonato and the Messenger. Doing so,  she already reveals her active role in this story by the interruption of a male conversation, an attitude that could be considered inappropiate for women at Elizabethan times.


I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned from the
wars or no?


I know none of that name, lady: there was none such
in the army of any sort.


What is he that you ask for, niece?


My cousin means Signior Benedick of Padua.


O, he’s returned; and as pleasant as ever he was.


He set up his bills here in Messina and challenged
Cupid at the flight; and my uncle’s fool, reading
the challenge, subscribed for Cupid, and challenged
him at the bird-bolt. I pray you, how many hath he
killed and eaten in these wars? But how many hath
he killed? for indeed I promised to eat all of his killing.

(Act I, scene I)

Instead of leaving a secondary role for women, women are the centre of the main plot and taking part in the action. The major events, to a large extent, revolve around the female characters: Hero is the Claudio’s object of love and later of hate, Beatrice is the woman who express freely in a male’s world and the woman who turns Benedict into a “tamed man”; and finally, Margaret and Ursula also contribute, albeit on a smaller scale, to deceive Claudio into thinking that Hero is unfaithful and helping to win the heart of Beatrice towards Benedict respectively.

Woman are no longer voiceless in this play, as was usual in a patriarchal society ruled by men, Beatrice breaks the conventions through her freedom of expression. Furthermore, women are represented as equal to men. This is the case again of Beatrice, who argues with Benedict regardless of his position as a man. Definitely, although to a limited degree, women represented in “Much Ado About Nothing” reach a high social value and great importance compared with the conventional man’s superiority ideology of that time. In spite of giving them roles as wife and mother, here Benedict expresses his gratitude to his mother who brought him to life:

That a woman conceived me, I thank her; that she

brought me up, I likewise give her most humble

thanks: but that I will have a recheat winded in my

forehead, or hang my bugle in an invisible baldrick,

all women shall pardon me. Because I will not do

them the wrong to mistrust any, I will do myself the

right to trust none; and the fine is, for the which

I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor.

(Act I, scene I)

If we have seen in The Comedy of Errors how Luciana’s sense of identity within marriage contrasts with Adriana’s, here Beatrice and Hero are the representatives of opposite roles: Beatrice is a rebellious woman that could be represented as the active role or the protest against the conventional submissive attitude of women at Elizabethan times. She is the woman who dares to argue and to be as equal as men. Beatrice is also considered, to some degree, a woman whom men cannot control:


Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with a husband.


Not till God make men of some other metal than

earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be

overmastered with a pierce of valiant dust? to make

an account of her life to a clod of wayward marl?

No, uncle, I’ll none: Adam’s sons are my brethren;

and, truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred.

We can observe that Leonato does not take control over Beatrice’s decision of marriage, and in contrast to it, Leonato does rule over his daughter Hero in the decision of being married. Hero represents women’s submission: she is sweet and docile and most importantly obedient to her father’s decision of marrying her to Claudio. She is almost voiceless in the play, however in act three scene one we can see her taking a assertive role carrying out the plan of getting Beatrice and Benedict together . This is the only occasion where she takes an active role, the rest of the play she agrees and obeys with no opposition every single decision made by men.




Related posts:

Men and women roles in Elizabethan society.

The Comedy of Errors

As You Like It

Twelfth Night


Related videos:

film_Much Ado About Nothing: part 1


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